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Duolingo Ranks

Duolingo Leagues: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Leagues

What are Duolingo Leagues?

Duolingo leagues are competitive groups of learners who compete against each other in a weekly contest. Each league consists of one of the 10 possible gem ranks, ranked from lowest to highest: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Amethyst, Diamond, Obsidian, and Legendary.

How to Join a League

You will be automatically placed in a league based on your performance in Duolingo lessons. As you earn more XP (experience points), you will move up to higher leagues.

Competing in Leagues

Earning XP

XP is earned by completing Duolingo lessons. The amount of XP you earn depends on the difficulty of the lesson and how well you perform. Completing lessons consistently will help you accumulate XP faster.

League Progress

Your progress in a league is tracked by a leaderboard. The leaderboard shows you your rank and the number of XP you have compared to other learners in your league. The top-ranked learners at the end of the week will move up to the next higher league.

Boosting Your League Performance

Setting Goals

Set realistic goals for yourself each week. Aim to earn a certain amount of XP or move up to a higher league. Having a goal will keep you motivated and focused.

Consistency is Key

Participating in Duolingo lessons regularly will help you accumulate XP and improve your ranking in the league. Aim to complete at least one lesson each day, even if it's just for a few minutes.

Seek Support

Join the Duolingo community on forums or social media to connect with other learners and get support. Sharing tips, strategies, and encouragement can boost your motivation and help you improve your performance.
