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Dd 35 Best Sorcerer Build

Optimizing the Sorcerer's Spell List for Levels 1-9

Levels 1-3

At these early levels, focus on crowd control spells such as Sleep, Burning Hands, and Charm Person. Mage Armor and Shield are crucial for defense, and Magic Missile provides reliable damage. For utility, consider Expeditious Retreat and Prestidigitation.

Levels 4-6

Introduce spells that deal area damage, like Fireball, Lightning Bolt, and Cone of Cold. Add Counterspell to your repertoire for anti-magic. Haste and Greater Invisibility can significantly enhance your party's combat capabilities.

Levels 7-9

Consider spells that provide battlefield control and support. Polymorph can transform enemies into harmless creatures. Fly grants aerial mobility. Dimension Door enables swift repositioning. Heal and Revivify become invaluable for healing and resurrection.

Noteworthy Spells

  • Dragons Breath (Level 1): Fire damage plus cone area of effect.
  • Phantasmal Force (Level 2): Deception and illusion.
  • Web (Level 2): Restraining effect on multiple targets.
  • Counterspell (Level 3): Prevent enemy spellcasting.
  • Blink (Level 3): Teleportation and evasion.
  • Fire Shield (Level 4): Elemental protection and area damage.
  • Greater Invisibility (Level 4): Vanish from sight.
  • Lightning Bolt (Level 5): AoE damage with high range.
